domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

Encontro rpg Indie de Londres (10/ 12 / 2011)

Só para mostrar a programação do que está sendo jogado lá fora, segue a programação do "London Indie RPG Meetup ".

"St Christophers Inn

121 Borough High Street, London (map)
Downstairs in the Lounge Bar. I sometimes wear a custom t-shirt. If you see funny-shaped dice it's one of us
Selected By: The Magus

How It Works
Come along for 12:00pm and meet folk. At 12:20 GM touting starts. Everyone who is going to run something says what it is they will run, up to how many players can be accommodated and what the game is about.
It might be GM led or it might be more of a story game with the expectation that everyone contribute equally. When this is complete everyone says what it is they want to play. If there's more of us we'll use sign-up sheets and if there are fewer then it's easy to sort out.
At 12:30 your group grabs a table and starts playing! The slot finishes around 4:30pm This process repeats at 5:00pm for the second slot."

Games On Offer

•Ocean : Underwater survival/mystery!

•On Mighty Thews : Bizzarre and bloody tales of swords and sorcery!

•Classroom Deathmatch : It's like the flick Battle Royale.

•Mouse Guard : Fight for your Beliefs!

•Kingdom of Nothing : It's kinda like The Fisher King crossed with Neverwhere.

•Until We Sink... : A Sinking Island, A Dead Seagull With A Needle in Its Head, The Year Of The Trial-Size Bar Of Soap.

•Polaris : brave knights struggle while the people choked on their self-indulgence.

•Dogs In The Vineyard : You're a teenage virgin gunslinging preacher. Piers will run this for n00bs and Elina.

•A Question for Mama : Seven Sisters, A Magical Undersea Kingdom, A Missing Mother.

(This is just a rough flavour of the games that might be offered on the day. Loads more games will be offered.)"

Acima uma imagem de RPGs que eles pretendem ter. O tal "my life with Master" parece divertido.

Ps: O Gilson Rocha deixou nos comentários um link (RPG Pará) sobre RPG na França (minha eterna gratidão)


2 comentários:

  1. Boa, cara! Estou de olho no movimento francês de JDR (RPG).


  2. Valeu Gilson, vou acompanhar também.
    Forte abraço

